Friday, May 6, 2011

Quick update

Quick update everyone. Not a whole ton has changed over the past few days, thus the reason for no blogs. I'm trying to tweak things here and there with the diet. I am 100% SCD. It's great eating this way. Gut is doing a bit better, just trying to figure out why I get lightheaded / dizzy / toxic and C. It's no fun. Hopefully things will correct itself over time. It's also hard knowing what to suppliment, when to, etc. Hope everyone is well and ready for summer.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Past few days

Good morning / afternoon everyone! Another day, another.... That can be good or bad! :) I'm a few days into STRICT SCD. I haven't really done the intro 100% because I had a bite of a banana here and there. But I pretty much stuck to broth, pieces of chicken and some steamed carrots. Gut wise, I haven't been feeling awfully terrible the past few days. It's just the other symptoms I am trying to get to subside. I know it's not die off related because it was happening before as well. Just very lightheaded, droggy, dizzy, toxic, etc. Hoping it subsides but not sure what is causing it. Hopefully everyone else is doing well. SCD seems to be a miracle for many!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another rainy day

So another day, not much different. Really got the craps of all this. Our whole family, the 3 of us, seem to be doing everything right but seem to be feeling much worse than normal people. BLAH!. I've been on an awesome diet for the past 1.5 year and have no explanation as to why I am how I am still. Maybe I have something further than just IBD? Even when I got that under control, all this other stuff bombards me. Kidney stones, lightheaded, dizzy, back pain, chest pain, shortness of breath, stress. Having no insurance sure helps as well. Sorry for the vent... Looking forward to better days.